Hack Facebook

Hi All Friends New Pic and Hack Facebook and 72 Hours 


Hey whats up guys today why don't you talk about a very interesting article which are trending on WhatsApp, if anyone of you are now active on WhatsApp then one message you can get daily or you will be going to get that is send this picture to your friend on Facebook and see magic so today I will talk about this. 

Send this picture to your friend on Facebook after sending this picture your ID got blocked. You don't got permanently blocked but you blocked for 72 hours and you can't like any picture you can't comment on any school the timeline and search for stories. 

So guys the picture is here if you want to download or prank with your friends on Facebook or you want to take revenge from your friend that you can block his or her Facebook ID then force him to send this picture to someone on Facebook and her or his id will be block instantly . 

And here is a video in which I explain how this work and how this photo can hack or block your Facebook ID for 72 hours and guys if you want to download this picture then scroll down and you will get the download link from Google Drive and you will get the original photo Thanks.